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Library Renovation Minutes 12/15/10

DECEMBER 15, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Barbara Leonard, J. Tad Kuziak and Scott Boos. Members absent: Diane Carney and Janet Stokesbury.  Also in attendance were Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller and Architect Peter Wells.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to approve the December 1st meeting minutes as presented. None opposed.


Ms. Leonard told of the afternoon’s meeting with Ms. Hornaday, Ms. Stokesbury, Ms. Miller, Ms. Vocelli, Mr. Wells and Ms. Newell regarding furnishings and color selections for the children’s, young adult’s and adult’s areas of the library. She urged those present to visit the library to see them as they reflect Ms. Newell’s expertise and sensitivity to age group preference and appropriate use in a library setting. Ms. Hornaday had been attending these meetings for several weeks and is impressed by the variety of colors she presents and her guidance.

Ms. Miller discussed the IT meeting as Mr. Goldsholl and Mr. Kuziak did not attend it. She said there were five items of concern related to the switchover of utilities: power, telephone lines, cable TV lines, the Town Server T1 line, and the Library Consortium T1 line. Proper transfer will ensure that the Library can continue to operate. She said the CT Education Network will be installing fiber optic cable in the next two or three years. Connecting will allow speeds of up to 1,000 MB/second, compared to the current 3 MB/second. She continued that she spent time after the meeting with Mr. Feld to review floor plans where cable drops were still needed. Mr. Goldsholl questioned if there were any changes in the cost or scope. Mr. Wells answered that he was to speak to Enterprise about laying an extra conduit in the utility trench to the building to accommodate fiber optic cables for the future and would relay the added cost when he received it. He will also reiterate at the upcoming construction meeting the urgency of properly reconnecting the five power items mentioned by Ms. Miller for a smooth transition to keep the Library operating. Mr. Bartha agreed that he felt we were on track, but will also bring it up at the meeting. Ms. Vocelli praised Ms. Miller for her persistence in finding answers and for her technology acumen. She added that the $125,000 IT budget would cover the wiring and infrastructure, but hoped extra monies could purchase technological features that will make the library more usable. She hopes to have Mr. Feld discuss the technology phase-in at the December 30th pre-construction meeting.

Mr. Goldsholl urged that attention be paid to consistent communication among the committee, architect and construction team to assure that all have timely and correct information. Mr. Boos agreed that we need to make sure that Enterprise and its subcontractors had the same contract documents to work off of in order to avert mishaps. Ms. Hornaday reminded the members that we rely on the consultants to give us information to give to the residents. She also suggested keeping Mr. Kuziak in the IT meeting loop as he was very knowledgeable and has a lot of interest in it. Ms. Hornaday added that with good information we’d prevent surprises. Mr. Kuziak also praised Ms. Miller’s abilities and hard work.

Mr. Kuziak questioned the Town’s plans for a future phone system. He offered that the town should consider a VoIP/SIP (Voice over Internet Protocol/Session Initiation Protocol). Mr. Goldsholl posed that the Town’s timeline would differ from building the library and that we should consider this project first in relation to waiting for the Town’s decision. Mr. Kuziak suggested choosing the VoIP for the phone system as it would be cost effective and each subsequent town building could be added on easily. Mr. Bartha said fiber optics is pricey, but a possible grant adds flexibility to the decision. Ms. Hornaday added that she is interested in technologies that have a proven track record. Ms. Vocelli added that Simsbury had the VoIP system.

Mr. Wells cautioned that from here on no members or he speak to the subcontractors directly but refer them to Enterprise Builders, in order to avoid confusion or miscommunication. Ms. Hornaday concurred.

V. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER UPDATE: Connecticut Natural Gas Invoice (paid) $1,345.21, Approval of Project Sign
Mr. Boos said they were actively engaged in getting this project moving and in the ground. The plan is to break ground December 20th. Ms. Vocelli said the new location for the construction meetings will be at the library and hopefully begin earlier at 10:00 AM. Mr. Boos said he could make every other meeting whereby Mr. Wells offered to fill him in on meetings he’d miss.

Mr. Bartha said that Mr. Williams and Mr. McNaboe have been working to get the utilities mobilized and thereby generated up front costs that are budgeted (temporary utilities) but the total was unknown at this time. He said the checks needed to be cut quickly in order to keep the process moving as the utility companies’ availability was difficult to predict. Mr. Williams and Mr. McNaboe felt that these total costs shouldn’t be more than $7,000, which could leave more than $10,000 in the temporary utilities budget.

VOTE: Mr. Boos motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to approve the payment made to CNG in the amount of $1,345.21. None opposed.

Mr. Bartha passed around a recommended sample construction sign and will also make sure Ms. Stokesbury gets a copy. He also added that this was the last revision that Enterprise was getting. Mr. Wells suggested centering the State’s line and moving the logo. Ms. Vocelli would like to add the word “free” to public library. Mr. Boos said to split the first line into two and remove the special thanks to Avon residents’ part. Ms. Hornaday questioned the Planning & Zoning Department’s input. Mr. Wells checked with Linda Sadlon who said a formal approval is not needed but they’d still like a copy (e-mail) of it. Mr. Wells said Tuthill’s address was incorrect and the word contractor should be construction manager. Mr. Bartha added that the omissions would allow for better placement and type size.

VOTE: Mr. Boos motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to submit the construction sign with the changes to Enterprise Builders. None opposed.

VI. REVIEW LIBRARY BUDGET: December 8, 2020 Memo to Accounting, New Budget Format
Ms. Hornaday asked Mr. Bartha to explain the budget format and account set-up. Mr. Bartha explained that the budget set up in October 2008 reflects the original amount of $9.5 million for the project, which differs from the one approved by the Town Council. The accountant added an object code to the budget, 54400 Reserved Appropriation, to reflect this difference. The $800,000 in this line-item, added to the $8.7 million budget approved by the Council, reflects the original amount of $9.5 million. Mr. Bartha explained that the Town accountant requested to continue reflecting the Reserved Appropriation within the project budget for audit purposes.  Some line items in the revised budget were eliminated completely, such as $8,000 for full-time staff.  Ms. Hornaday understands it to be the amount appropriated by the town that is not going to be bonded. She added that in effect the committee would be returning $800,000 to the town from the project. Mr. Bartha showed an abbreviated budget format that he will be using from now on. Ms. Hornaday offered that these amounts also reflect the pre-referendum amounts added back into the project’s costs to date: $517,812.00, leaving a balance of $8,182,188.00.

Mr. Boos questioned the total contingency amount moving back onto the Town’s side. He questioned who would be carrying the risk. He felt it was the construction manager who was responsible to cover the “holes” found in subcontractors’ submittals. Mr. Goldsholl felt the construction manager guaranteed a price and thus carried the risk. Mr. Boos simplified that if it wasn’t in the construction documents then we would pay for it. He asked when monies would come out of the construction manager’s profits when the contingency was exhausted. Mr. Wells offered that the construction manager could not make any changes without Committee approval. Mr. Boos asked Mr. Bartha for further clarification on the use of the contingency and suggested that it be included on the next agenda.

VII. ARCHITECT UPDATE: Revised Driveway, Dumpster Enclosure, Elevator Finish Selection
Mr. Wells explained the revised entrance driveway drawing. He said that during a summer meeting between the design team and Town staff, the Town engineer pointed out that buses dropping off children might cross into opposing lanes to access the driveway entrance, which could potentially create a hazardous condition.  It was suggested to increase the curb cut and lane size to help alleviate this danger. The printout shows the adjustments made to the original layout of the entrance and book drop area. Granite curbing will be removed and replaced by extruded concrete. The granite curbs will be given to Public Works to be used at a later date. Mr. Wells is waiting to hear the additional cost figure. Ms. Hornaday agreed that once a danger has been identified, the liability goes straight up so you’re wise to make the adjustment. Mr. Wells also added that he continues to look for adjustments elsewhere to help offset these unforeseen additions.

The dumpster enclosure has been brought back to where it was on the original drawings and has been approved by Mr. Kushner. The associated $15,000 earmark has been removed. Mr. Wells is also working on the circulation desks (3) design and will present them when he has them.

In addition to selecting elevator finishes, Mr. Wells questioned the members as to what point would he need to come to them to make a decision on an item. Mr. Boos suggested a compilation submitted on a color board would help. Mr. Kuziak cautioned against picking one thing at a time. Mr. Wells suggested making a decision ahead of time and then presenting this to the committee for approval. Mr. Goldsholl said it is our charge to set process and to trust the consultants to provide a building that performs as it should. Mr. Wells believed that items affecting function, cost, or aesthetics should come to the committee for approval.

Ms. Hornaday relayed a comment from Ms. Stokesbury questioning the disparity in the estimated amount and the bids received. Mr. Bartha broke out the amounts to reflect a per hour rate to get a better view of these costs submitted. Mr. Boos pointed out that most of the testing would go towards the concrete. Mr. Wells explained that we asked our consultant to estimate how many tests would need to be performed and that is where the original number came from, and that we did not have the information we have now. Mr. Boos added that criteria changes as the job firms. Mr. Boos also added that it was a good thing that the amount had come in high as it helps the committee to pay better attention to invoices for possible inconsistencies. Mr. Kuziak summed that the original estimate was based on the information we had at the time and that it has changed. Mr. Bartha recommended the committee select the firm STL, who had the lowest bid estimate of $28,334.00 and prior experience with Enterprise and Szewczak Associates. Szewczak Associates will direct the lab as to the type and quantity of tests to be done on project related materials, such as concrete and structural steel. Mr. Boos added that Szewczak will be signing a document at the end of the job that states the building was built in accordance with the drawings.

VOTE: Mr. Boos motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to enter into a contract with the firm Special Testing Laboratories for materials testing services during the Library project. None opposed.

IX. APPROVAL OF INVOICES – None to approve
Mr. Wells will forward corrected invoices from Advanced Reprographics discussed at the November 3rd meeting.

X. OTHER BUSINESS: Discuss groundbreaking ceremony – January 8, 2010, Change Order Approval Process, Discuss desired level of detail from CM/Architect to LBC
Mr. Bartha said Enterprise Builders will provide golden shovels and hard hats for the ceremony. The ceremony will be held Saturday, January 8th, 2011, at 11:00 AM at the site. The members discussed the brochure layout. Ms. Vocelli would like to have her name included with the building committee’s listing and remove the Friends of the Avon Library listing altogether. She’d also like to be included with the library staff as well.

Ms. Hornaday cited the memo provided by Mr. Bartha discussing the change order process. She felt it had valuable information and was well researched. She felt the $10,000 change order amount was a good one. Authority to approve any proposed change orders valued at less than $10,000 would rest with the Town Manager or his authorized designee. All approved change orders will be presented to the building committee at regular meetings. Amounts in excess of $10,000 would require the approval in advance by the State Library. Ms. Hornaday approved of Mr. Williams as the town designee as he is always in town and available to go to the site quickly. Mr. Boos will be available as well for consultation.

VOTE: Mr. Boos motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to accept the change order approval process as outlined in Mr. Bartha’s memo. None opposed.

Ms. Hornaday wished that everyone have a good time spent with family and friends over the next few weeks and to see you in the New Year.

The next meeting will be January 5th, 7:30 AM in the Avon Room, Bldg. 1 Town Hall.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 PM. None opposed.

                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary